Firearms and Leadership

Here's a comment that I did for a Youtube video about the Alec Baldwin firearm death: Thank you KB32 for showing us how to check a revolver just like the one Alec Baldwin is alleged to have misused. Hollywood has lots to answer for. The Wallechinsky family documented decades ago how the place runs on money, power and exploitative sex. And you are right that Hollywood is the home of gun porn (which bears the same relationship to real life firearm use that commercial porn does to real life sex). Hollywood uses firearms and weapons so much that people who work in props - just the guys in the shop - have to take a firearms course. Props people here in Vancouver have a rule: never hand an actor anything - anything - that they can mis-handle. Because they always do. If you hand them a sword, someone has to make that sword duller than a toddler's dinner knife. If you hand them a fire extinguisher, a prop person has to take the extinguisher and discharge it first. If you hand them so...