A bike helmet for Valentine's Day
February 13, 2022 To: CBC Radio - On The Coast Happy Valentines Day to everyone at On The Coast. There is one gift that expresses how sincerely you love someone, that you want to be with them when you are both collecting pension cheques and entertaining grandchildren. That gift is the bicycle helmet. It kills the mood for Valentine's Day, so wait a little before you offer to help your loved one pick out headgear that fits their personal style. I watched a cyclist go over his handlebars on the Adanac Bikeway just this Saturday evening. I thought he would be a head injury victim for sure. But his bike helmet took the hit so he is bruised and scraped but doing fine. The single folks in your audience will be relieved to hear that there is a slim athletic young man with handsome mixed Asian features still available in East Van. He's polite, employed, not in a committed relationship, and has just lost the habit of using his phone while he rides his bike. He...